So now you’ve picked out the perfect slab and all that’s left is to install it! There a few things you can do to make sure the countertop installation goes smoothly. Today we’ll go over what those things are and what you can expect.
The very first thing you’ll need to do is schedule your installation day. Sometimes we get booked out for weeks, so the sooner you can nail down a date the better. You’ll also need to schedule a time for our fabricator to come out and make an official template of your cabinets before installation. This way we know everyone will fit perfectly around sinks, faucets, and appliances. This is also the best time to communicate any changes. Once the stone is cut you can’t go back!
If you’re installing countertops on existing cabinetry you’ll want to double-check that there is someone who can haul away the old countertops (fabricators don’t usually do this) and that the cabinetry has the proper supports for the material you chose.
Countertop Installation Day
When the big day comes expect at least two installers to arrive. They will deliver the prepared countertop and put it in place. Bigger jobs might require more people. The best way for you to make sure the process goes smoothly is to clear pathways and remove any breakables from the area. The more room the installers have to move around the better.
Expect the installation to take anywhere from four to eight hours. Larger projects may need to be done over the course of a few days. Plan to keep children and pets out of the space as much as possible during this time.
A strong adhesive is used to cement the pieces of the countertop together and adhere them to the cabinetry. This will also need time to set, which usually takes about a day.
Post Installation
Once everything is installed and set you’ll need to contact a plumber and electrician to hook everything back up. The plumber will reconnect any water sources and the electrocution will connect gas and electrical hookups. This is also the time to get backsplashes installed if you’re doing those as well.
The last thing you need to do is give everything a good wipe-down and enjoy! This process is surprisingly smooth, especially when you prepare.
We’re happy to answer any questions about your countertop installation. Just give us a call and one of our experts can walk you through it.