Here at Slabworks we offer several different types of finishes for your custom countertops. Today we’re going to take a closer look at the leathered finish and talk about what sort of impact it could have on your design.
Leathering granite is one of the newest and most exciting trends in granite finishing. It takes a stone slab and turns it into a beautifully contoured igneous rock that almost seems alive.
How’s it done?
Leathering granite is an intense process that’s done right here in Bozeman, Montana. A diamond tipped brush is run over the stone’s surface again and again until all the imperfections are stripped away. This polishes the stone while leaving its natural contours intact. You can use this process to make the granite either perfectly smooth or keep it rough and rustic. After the desired texture is reached the granite can be sealed and installed.
Why We love it
Leathered granite has a unique rustic style that is perfect for use in historic homes. It has a natural look as if it came straight from the side of a mountain rather than the high gloss, ethereal feel of polished stone. It really allows the personality of the stone to come through. Leathering also makes the granite’s natural color pop. It’s a happy medium between the gloss of a polished finish or the matte of a honed finish.
Aside from how it looks, leathered granite feels amazing. You can run your fingers along the nooks and crannies, allowing you to feel it’s history. The texture will mesmorize you guests and be a great conversation piece.
Finally, leathered granite is easy to keep clean. The process naturally tightens the granite’s pores, which makes it more difficult for stains to set in. The tighter pores also increase bacterial resistance making this finish a great choice for kitchens. Even fingerprints and water spots are harder to see on the contoured surface, which is great for those of us who hate wiping down their countertops multiple times a day.
If you’re interested in having leathered finish granite in your project, give us a call.